Below are copies of my 5th year sermon and a short lecture-teaching
I have published 60+ op-eds, articles, and theological reflections. Below are some of the published material that I have worked on, completed, and been a part of.

The Times of Israel
Kronika Ziemi Trzcianeck 10
Attached is a link to some of my work that has appeared with the Times of Israel. It includes op-eds, diary material, opinion peices. All work is welcome to be shared on Social Media. You are also welcome to comment on posts.
Link to Shmuel Polin @ Times of Israel
"The Amazing Story behind the Aron HaKodesh in the Scheuer Chapel of the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion" / "ZadziwiajÄ…ca historia aron ha-kodesz z Kaplicy Scheuerów w Hebrew Union College –Jewish Institute of Religion." Published by Muzeum Ziemi Nadnoteckiej im. W. Stachowiaka w Trzciance. ISSN 1425-1841. Copies may be purchased here. Available and translated into both Polish and English.

Again, all work is welcome to be shared on Social Media. You are also welcome to comment on posts.
Link to Shmuel Polin @ Jerusalem Post or Jpost.com
Wrote and contributed a 20-page article that circulated in the Israeli national security establishment, entitled "Iran and Perpetual Regional Radicalization: The Troubling Effects of Sanctions against Iran and a new partner in trade." Also completed "Project Blueprint Israel". Project Blueprint Israel is a graduate-level curriculum on the subject of Israel.
“The Amazing Story behind the Aron HaKodesh in the Scheuer Chapel of the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion” / “ZadziwiajÄ…ca historia aron ha-kodesz z Kaplicy Scheuerów w Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion.” Muzeum Ziemi Nadnoteckiej, Trzcianka, Poland. December 2021.
"Aron HaKodesh (Holy Ark), Scheuer Chapel." The Object of the Month, the Skirball Museum. July 2020.
“Rebuilding an Ark destroyed in the Shoah in Cincinnati.” Times of Israel. May 2020.
“Parshat Shemini: Kashrut and Animal Welfare.” Times of Israel. April 2020.
“Vayikra. Do Not Lose Faith in Our Future!” Times of Israel. March 2020.
“Parashat Yitro, Jimmy Hoffa, and Natural Law.” Times of Israel. February 2020.
“Parshat Beshalach & Haftorah: The Prophetess.” Times of Israel. February 2020.
“Parshat Shemot. Never Again in Now!” Times of Israel. January 2020.
“Parshat Vayishlach: Jacob, the Angel, and Art.” Times of Israel. December 2019.
“Parshat Toldot, Twin-twin Transfusion Syndrome and Chayei Sarah.” Times of Israel. December 2019.
“Failing the Kurds Is a Failure of Justice.” Times of Israel. October 2019.
“Rosh HaShana Sermon: Marvel’s Venom and Akedat Yitzhak.” Times of Israel. October 2019.
“Parshat Eikev, London Bridge Is Falling Down with Brexit.” Times of Israel. April 2019.
“Sermon for Pittsburgh Massacre.” Times of Israel. November 2018.
“Linking Our Past and Our Future.” Avodat HaKodesh. November 2018.
“Neilah Sermon – Hunger in the World.” Times of Israel. September 2018.
“Remember Poland for the Jewish Haven It Once Was, Not for Its Anti-Semites.” The Jerusalem Post. April 2018.
“Making Judaism Relevant in Our High Schools.” Avodat HaKodesh. March 2018.
“LGBTQ+ rights, Feminism, and Samuel. Rosh HaShana Sermon.” Times of Israel. September 2018.
“Why Parshat Shoftim Is Especially Relevant in the Wake of Charlottesville.” The Jerusalem Post. August 2017.
“Will We Allow Aleppo to be Forgotten, or Will We Remember Jerusalem.” The Jerusalem Post. January 2017.
“Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? A Personal Response.” Times of Israel. November 2016.
“London and Gilad Shalit’s Release in Retrospect.” Times of Israel. November 2014.
“Cuba’s Jewish Community is Dwindling.” Times of Israel. October 2014.